Missions and value

“Our mission is to prove to our customers that not only huge foreign companies can produce laminate, but that we, as an entirely Russian manufacturer, can provide them with the BEST-quality and AMAZINGLY looking laminate with the most modern characteristics”.

To achieve this goal, our business is based on the following core values:

Stability and systematic approach. We value confidence and are not afraid to look into the future. We can’t imagine our work without clear functionality, a highly developed interaction culture, well-thought-through processes, and strict adherence to deadlines.

Compliance and responsibility. Compliance means the complete exclusion of any wrongful forms of doing business. Each team member is personally responsible for fulfilling their duties. We strive to act with dignity towards ourselves and our partners. That’s why we offer only transparent cooperation terms and conditions.

Professionalism and development. We believe professionalism is not just thorough knowledge of all details and nuances in our work. It is also a constant striving to acquire new knowledge and skills and reach new goals. This allows us to be more efficient.

Creativity and innovation. We reach our goals by implementing the most modern technologies and programs and looking for non-standard solutions. We look for ways to improve the quality of our products and processes. We are monitoring innovations to offer new and economically efficient solutions. We try to be the first ones to implement new technologies and inventions in the flooring industry.

JOSS BEAUMONT supports free competition and pursues an open and fair policy towards competitors based on honesty and mutual respect. We build long-term relationships with our partners and employees based on mutual respect and adherence to mutual commitments.